
Here are the details for making a monetary donation:


Account Name: The Bharath Social and Research Foundation
Account Number: 36810200000397
Bank: Bank of Baroda, M I Road Branch, Jaipur


Your donation will be used to Support Underprivileged Communities. It will directly impact the lives of underprivileged individuals and families, providing them with essential resources, education, and opportunities for a better future.


No matter the size, your donation is a powerful force for positive change. We understand that times can be challenging, and we deeply appreciate your willingness to contribute.


To donate, you can use the provided account details for a bank transfer. Every rupee brings us one step closer to our shared vision of a compassionate and harmonious society.


Your support is invaluable, and we thank you in advance for your generosity. Together, we can make a lasting impact on many lives. If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us at +91 8903582340 or [email protected].

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Eligible up to 50% tax benefit under section 80G.  PAN: AADTT2059F | 80G No. AADTT2059FF20231